[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt8We_71-vw]

warm up 熱身

5-10 mins of walking briskly, jogging, jumping jacks, or jumping rope. Make sure to include some plank holds or bear crawls in this warm-up. (快走,慢跑、跳繩……)

Workout: Minute Man

4 times through (20 minutes) or
5 times through (25 minutes) or
6 times through (30 minutes) or more of…

1 minute: Jumping Jacks – Fast 開合跳
1 minute: Side Shuffle – Fast 左右來回
1 minute: High Knees – Fast 高抬腿
1 minute: Burpees (add push-up and tuck jump for more work) 波比
1 minute: REST 休息

Cool Down:緩和

5-10 minutes of walking followed by some dynamic stretching


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